.::Those Taking the Journey::.


Captain Cudjoe

Dauntless Maroon Chief of Jamaica
     Nothing is further from the truth than the popular belief that the African in the New World was in love with slavery and submitted calmly to it. The fact is that he rebelled against it from the United States to Argentina times without number. 
    This is especially true of Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Surinam, the Virgin Islands, Brazil, and Venezuela. Among the most valiant of these Negro rebels were the Maroon Negroes of Jamaica, West Indies. For 140 years they defied the white slave holders and finally forced them to seek a treaty of peace. 



I’m currently reading this excellent book on tarot and voodoo. In it, the author speaks of “sacrifice.” Sacrifice is taken from the Latin sacer (sacred) and facere (to make), so the literal meaning is to make sacred. In (Euro) Western culture sacrifice takes on a different and, as usual, corrupted meaning. The western understanding of sacrifice is about giving up, relinquishing, etc. Sacrifice is often looked at as a burden, a punishment… Sacrifice is also associated with death, rather than the sacrality of sacrifice.


I bought two tarot decks recently, and I love them. I have been doing personal reading for myself with them since around 2 or 3 this morning off and on. It astounds me how precise and accurate they have been on life situations. I do not think tarot is for everyone, but for me they are proving extremely useful. My readings have yielded amazing insight and more.
People commonly misunderstand things such as tarot because people water down and abuse ancient practices. They make them commercialized and cheap, then wonder why it doesn’t work or isn’t accurate. If you approach the practice with an open mind, sincerity and respect you will be amazed at the accuracy. Again, it isn’t for everyone. Each of us has a different tool that speaks to our intuitive power. You just have to find yours. I’ve also found cowrie shells to be useful for myself. Soon I will start using my I-ching sticks.


I do not acknowledge racism as coming from all people. I define racism as white supremacy, and my idea of racism is borrown heavily from such people as Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary, Dr. Amos Wilson, and others. People may say, “Well, you’re just using their definitions,” but I would ask those people who taught them their definition? My definition is inspired by them, yes, but I’ve thought over it logically, rationally, and come to my own conclusion. Most people just accept the definition they’re given.